Oil Free Vegan Blender Pancakes
Oil Free Vegan Blender Pancakes
Oil Free Vegan Blender Pancakes

Made this loaded vegan breakfast platter last weekend and I already have requests rolling in for a repeat performance this weekend. These are oil-free and sweetened with bananas so I love to see my kids pile their plates high and enjoy. I added blueberries + blackberries to this batch and paired them with vegan sausages from Field Roast. If you’ve followed me for a while you know I like to serve pure maple syrup in shot glasses! It’s cute and it serves as a little portion control when you have four kids who would literally drink the syrup from the jug.  


3 cups rolled oats

1 1/2 whole wheat pastry flour

4 teaspoons baking powder

3 large or 4 small ripe bananas 

1 1/5 cups almond milk

1 1/2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar


Add rolled oats to a high speed blender. Pulse until flour forms. Add whole wheat pastry flour and baking powder and pulse again.

Add bananas, almond milk and apple cider vinegar and blend until smooth batter forms. Let sit for a few minutes to thicken. Scoop batter with a cookie scoop onto oiled skillet or non stick pan. Add berries or other fruit before flipping.